This section lists useful suggestions for a safer and more effective trip.
Stick to the original plan
Every traveller has its own method to organize and pack things. That cannot be taught or inherited. What happens too often during a trip is to need something but not able to find it. That's because we tend to mix our original packing order, mainly due to rush or handy temporary solution. These solutions are bad. Try to figure out the best place for each of the items in the bag and stick to that. It may be annoying sometimes, 'cause you will have to spend some time to repack, or reach a not handy pocket or even stop doing your current activity and look for the proper place. On the other way, you will never again stop in the middle of nothing looking for your lipbalm and ask yourself: where the hell did I put it? Tip: you can candidate a "special pocket" for temporary objects that in certain cases you don't really want to put on the correct place. When looking for something and not founding in its place, you may have a second chance in the special pocket. Just remember to empty it every now and then.
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