From 2011 to 2012 I was lucky enough to be able to travel around the world.

My backpack and I left Rome for eight months travelling towards the EASY, living a continuous summer across all the continents and experiencing incredible and unrepeatable experiences.

The thrill of a hunting lioness, the feeling os being so small on the Great Wall and the magic on Easter Island, dancing all the night at the Full Moon Party, participating in the Carnival in the Rio Sambadrome. But there was also the fear of dying under a landslide, the terror of being surrounded by a shark and feeling smelled by 'something', in the dark Amazon forest night. The risk of getting lost in the Patagonia and the anger of been robbed halfway through the trip.  On a bike with Cambodians, surfing with Australians, playing football on the beach with Brazilians, drinking wine with Argentines... everyday was a new story with new people, giving me the priceless feeling of having the freedom to manage and live every day of ,y life.

There are so many and so strong emotions that will remain indelible forever in my memory and for my whole life.

In these pages you will find, day by day, some short stories about the greatest adventure of my life

225 days, starting in August 2011, ending in March 2012 the biggest adventure of my life.



Not all dreams come true. I had the luck and the pleasure of make my dream real. Left Rome with a backpack, heading to Tanzania on the 2nd of August 2011. Get back to my real life after seven months and a half, after visiting four continents: Africa,Asia, Australia and South America.

In this section you will find the story and the pictures of my most incredible experience ever... 

  • RoadMap: the route, stop by stop, day by day. Here you will find the list of placed visited and the posts related to them.
  • Luggage Creator: How to prepare your luggage? What items should you bring for your trip? Here you will find all the answers
  • Press: newspapers and websites that published information, articles, material on my RTW trip
  • Video Around the World: the RTW video [also published in this page] info

VIDEO 8 months around the World