From 2011 to 2012 I was lucky enough to be able to travel around the world.

My backpack and I left Rome for eight months travelling towards the EASY, living a continuous summer across all the continents and experiencing incredible and unrepeatable experiences.

The thrill of a hunting lioness, the feeling os being so small on the Great Wall and the magic on Easter Island, dancing all the night at the Full Moon Party, participating in the Carnival in the Rio Sambadrome. But there was also the fear of dying under a landslide, the terror of being surrounded by a shark and feeling smelled by 'something', in the dark Amazon forest night. The risk of getting lost in the Patagonia and the anger of been robbed halfway through the trip.  On a bike with Cambodians, surfing with Australians, playing football on the beach with Brazilians, drinking wine with Argentines... everyday was a new story with new people, giving me the priceless feeling of having the freedom to manage and live every day of ,y life.

There are so many and so strong emotions that will remain indelible forever in my memory and for my whole life.

In these pages you will find, day by day, some short stories about the greatest adventure of my life

Not all dreams come true, yet all trips come to an end. This trip had no exception.
It was hard to leave the hot summer in Rio and get back to work into a cold incoming spring in Rome.
I keep looking back over the past few months and recall the extraordinar y moments I have spent. I don't regret any single day of my "Round the World" trip. After all I eventually made it, exactly as I planned one year ago. I will always remember the last 225 days, every and one of them.

my RTW route

Back in August, on my trip to Tanzania. I won't never forget the natural parks ( Ngorongoro and Serengeti) where I had the luck and the pleasure to watch a live scene of a  lion hunting a zebra. I won't definitely forget the panic when some baboons tried to kill us. And the beauty of Zanzibar

Tranghire national park, Tanzania

China was my first destination completely alone. Where my actual RTW trip started. The neverending Great Wall will be always in my memory. As for the gloruous Terracotta Army, so impressive. However, the part I loved most in China was the south, the incredible landscape of Guilin and Yangshuo. Well, not to mention the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base: they are so cute.

Summer Palace, Beijing

South East Asia was a complete discovery, in Vietnam I found the nicest people in the world, always willing to help you, always smiling. The adventures in Hanlong Bay and in Sapa were incredible.
Cambodia is still to discover: I could only stay for a week, yet I definitely fell in love with Angkor temples.
Thailand had two different faces: the incredibly stunning beaches of Ko Pangan and Ko Tao, and the adventure in the northern jungle in Chiang Mai.
Since I had a flight connection in Singapore, I decided to stop by for a couple of days: enough !

Siem Rep, Cambodia

In Australia I had the pleasure to visit incredibly beautiful Parks and to enjoy the stunning beaches of the east coast (Cairns, Whitsunday Island, Byron Bay) before reaching Sydney, probably one of the best cities in the world.

Byron Bay, Australia

In the middle of the pacific ocean I had the opportunity to stay a few days on the most incredible place of my all trip, if not in the entire world: Easter Island, Rapa Nui is one place on Earth.

Tongariki, Easter Island

Here terminates the first part of my trip: South America is on my way... Unfortunately I had my camera stolen as soon as I enter Argentina: lots of picture lost (included Easter Island ones) and a lot of anger, yet the trip had to continue. So I started my experience in Patagonia, moving by bus from the northern Bariloche all the way down until Ushuaia: the southernmost city in the world. Lots of incredible trecks, bike adventures, infinite glaciars... Nature with capital letters.

Bariloche, Argentina

Among the best experiences in Argentina there was my days spent as a Gaucho: it's a hard job yet someone has to do it. While crossing the border with Brazil, a visit to the Iguazu falls is mandatory. 

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
After many months of mountains and trekkings, the beautiful Brazilian beaches ( Florianopolis, Ubatuba and Paray, and Ilha Grande) were the perfect preparation for the end of my trip: the incredible Brazilian "Carnaval".
I eventually spent my last week of my round the world trip into one of the deepest environent of the world: my  last adventure in the Amazon Forest.

Update: It took me some months, yet after some months from my return I managed to publish my Video Around the World: take 6 minutes to enjoy my 8 months! info

VIDEO 8 months around the World